Monday 29 September 2014

Golden Centre Aikido:Golden Rules 6

Enter the sixth chamber, the Chamber of Ki, the Sword Chamber.

Written above the door in Gold Letters is CUT THROUGH.

Not all words have equal importance, and the word of this chamber is Shinmei.

Your true purpose...the reason you exist.

You may say "In the beginning was the word and the word was Shinmei."

You cannot truly know Ki if you don't know the sword.

You cannot do true Aikido if you don't know the sword.

You cannot know true life if you don't know the sword.

For the blade of the sword is of Ki. It is of condensed Ki and that is Kindness.

The healing sword. Without which there is no Aikido.

As you raise the sword you are cutting through. You are cutting through self and you are cutting through the universe. For what does cutting through do? It opens.

The blade of kindness opens.

You must open your heart, you must open yourself, you must open your centre, your koshi. You must cut through.

When you truly cut through you open your centre of centre, your goodness, your connection to the devine and there waiting is your Ki.

When you cut through completely you reveal your Shinmei. Your true purpose. Your true path. For where else can your true Ki be than on your true path according to your true purpose and ready to build your true world.

And if your shinmei is to help peoples feet then therein lies your Ki, therein lies your connection with the divine, your path, your purpose. Thus will you be a great chiropodist or some such or even a great shoemaker.

And when you truly cut through you only then hear the sound of silence and in this silence comes the sound of shinmei....echoing through all the mountains.

Know the sword. The sword opens. The sword opens to the path. And those who say they don't use the sword are indeed mistaken for they use it every day without even knowing. In the realm of everyday living you use a sword. It is called deciding. Decision is a sword. Before the decision there is no path, only doubt and confusion. The decision cuts through....the path is set.

You must cut through false self to allow the Ki from the devine you to enter.

No path. No direction. No sword...No Aikido.

It is then Ki which realigns things. It is Ki which restores. It is Ki which rehabillitates. It is healing Ki.

So I ask you.....why do you concern yourself with crazy matters of the world? The world is in you and your Ki is with your shinmei. Focus!!!


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